Shrooms is a thriller brought out by Vertigo Films in 2007. This poster is the main cinematic poster. It contains information about the production personnel and the distributors down at the bottom of the poster, in small print. At the top of the poster there are two names of the actors. The actors that are named are the two main characters.
Clearly the title of the film is ‘shrooms’. The title is shown as slightly blurred and fuzzy, this links in well to the way your perception is altered when taking shrooms. This shows us this will be a big part of the film. There are two actors named ‘Lindsey Haun’ and ‘Jack Huston’. The fact that these actors are named could that they are the main characters and they could become more well known for being on the poster. The names have been placed at the top of the poster, one in each corner.
The main images are of a full moon, shrooms and a thick form of hedge around the sides of the poster.
The shape of the shrooms against the moon show a sort of skull shape. The mushrooms make the shape of eyes and a nose, the paleness of the moon then makes it look like a skull. This portrays the fact that it is a thriller and so would draw in an audience as it is eye catching and bright. This would also include the theme of death as it doesn’t show a head but a skull which is more morbid. The hedge is slightly enclosed around it, which makes it look mysterious and gloomy; this also adds to idea of the thriller genre. If you look closely at the scenery it looks as if it is a sort of field or a hill, this could signify the place in which the film will take place.
The fact the film is clearly about shrooms presents us with the fact that it will more than likely be about teenagers. As shrooms are a drug that teenagers or young adults, are more likely to try rather than other age groups. This film will then be targeted at a teenage audience and onwards.
There are not any specific characters shown on this poster. However the sort of gives us an idea that there may be a villain because there is a mysterious face in the moon.